Ever since I started keeping chickens I have always recorded data and documented everything: hatch dates, known genetics, lineage, etc. In the beginning notebooks and spreadsheets worked just fine. Over the years the volume of data and more importantly the connections and relationships needed to be made across the data in order to make the best choices in the breeding programs became more of a challenge. I decided to look around for a better solution and even after purchasing some software I was not happy. I was using multiple solutions to capture and maintain the data I wanted to track and unfortunately it was not always available to me, I had to be at a computer to get to it all. Not too long ago the day came where I decided to do something different. I sat down and wrote an iOS app that did exactly what I wanted to do. I personally used the app to enter all my data and then decided it was worth it to share with others. That app is now available on the Apple App store for download.