Black Clean Face Pullet

This 2018 pullet is non tufted. She is nearly all black with a little brown leakage on her primaries. Message if interested or for more information.

Clean Face Black Cockerel Leakage

This 2018 black cockerel has a nice build and type. He is a larger bird that can add some size to your stock. While he does have a nice tight row comb and wattles, he also has a little bit of gold leakage coming through on his saddle feathers. Message if interested or for more information.

Clean Face Araucana Cockerel Black Leakage

Clean Face Black Cockerel

This 2018 black cockerel has some awesome green sheen and a decent overall body type. His comb is a bit crooked and not overly tight. With a complimenting female he could throw some nice genes into his offspring. Message if interested or for more information.

Clean Face Araucana Cockerel Black