Coturnix Quail Genetics

Collection of genetic symbols and information pertaining to the Coturnix Quail
GenePhenotype Variety Name(s)SymbolInheritanceDescriptionImage
Black at HatchBhDominantBlack down at hatch. Homozygous can have lethal consequences with a portion of eggs failing to hatch.
CeladonN/AcRecessiveLaying blue non patterned eggs.Celadon Quail Eggs
CinnamoncinRecessiveGinger plumage.
Defective FeatheringDfDominantShort, sparse feathers.
Diluteal^DSex-Linked RecessiveCauses an overall reduction in pigmentation. The shanks are free of pigment, down is light in color as is the adult plumage. Eye color is NOT affected. It is also one of the alleles at the A1^+ locus.
Extended BrownRosetta (E/E)
Tibetan (E)
EIncompletely DominantUniformly brown above and below.
Fawn-2Manchurian (Y^F2/Y^F2)
Italian (Y^F2)
Imperfect AlbinismalRecessiveAlbino, pink-eyed and white feathered chicks.
PorcupinepcRecessiveAbnormal furled feathers on the back.
Recessive BlackY^rbRecessiveDisplays a blackish-brown phenotype in the recessive homozygous state. Found on the Y locus. Most recessive of Y locus.
Recessive WhiteEnglish White (wh/wh)
Tuxedo (wh)
whRecessiveProduces a white bird with dark eyes when homozygous and a two-color pattern known as "tuxedo" when heterozygous. The "tuxedo" pattern is white on the ventral surface including the neck and face while the dorsal surface is an intermingling of black and brown pigment.
RedheaderhRecessiveProduce birds that are predominantly white with irregular black and rust plumage. The male's head is rust colored.
Rough TexturedrtRececssiveFeathers rough to the touch.
RufflerfRecessiveSoft barbs to some of the feathers.
Short BarbsbRecessiveEnds of back feathers short and appear broken.
SilverBIncompletely DominantAssociated with slow growth and slow sexual maturity when two homozygous.
White Beardbd^wRecessiveOn brown feathered birds this trait appears as a small white beard-like patch of feathers under the lower beak in the internal tract.
White BreastedwbRecessiveProduces birds with a white-feathered breast, neck and face. Both sexes are the same.
White CrescentcrRecessiveA crescent-shaped band of white feathers extends across the breast of the brown feathered birds. This band is located at the junction of the ventral cervical and the pectoral tracts.
Wild TypePharaoh
YellowY^YDominantProduces golden birds. Lethal factor in homozygous state.

If you have additional information to add (please provide supportive research for adding genetic traits) or photo examples (credit attributed), please contact me.